Thursday, April 2, 2009

Update on Jennifer

Jennifer had a very difficult time at first, when her nannies left. She was very attached to them. She cried and cried and we could not console her for the longest time. My heart just ached for her.

Jennifer is really bonding to both of us, now She is such a sweet little girl and always wants to please you. She now, calls us mama and baba, daddy in Mandarin. She is a real daddy's girl. Whenever we go out in puiblic she has to hold his hand or have him carry her. Ed just loves it. She is beginning to speak a few English words. She is very polite and always says thank you. She loves it when you put puzzles together with her and read books to her. It is so cute when she talks in Mandarin. We can't always understand what she says, but she is very smart and lets you know what she wants. She loves to see pictures of us all together as a famiily. We love her so much. She gave me her first kiss last night. She seems very happy.


  1. Hi Ed and Irene. Your post brought tears to our eyes. We are thrilled for you and will keep praying that Jennifer's trust in you and love for you would be growing each day now. Praise God that this is already beginning. We are eager to rejoin our band of families tomorrow. See you then!

    Kenny & Betsy (and Lily Mei and Levi)

  2. Hi Irene,
    I found it. I had to search blogspot because I didn't see the blog address on your email to the yahoo group but I knew it is late there so I didn't want to wait for you to respond to my email. I searched and found it! The pictures of you all with Jennifer gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you all. She is a beautiful little girl and you all look so happy! I am so glad she is bonding with you all so quickly with all of the emotions she had to experience in the beginning (so sad), but isn't God good! GZ is a wonderful place,enjoy the rest of your trip. Will be looking for more updates.
    Praying for you all.
    Cindy Linamen

  3. Hi Irene,

    My eyes are crying but my heart is so full of joy for you. I am happy to hear Jennifer is adjusting. She has made huge progress so fast! What a blessing! God is good! It is a good day for us as well. Our TA is here! We will have Mia-Anne home before we know it. I look foward to the time the girls can reunite. Enjoy yourselves and treasure every moment. :)

    Still Praying,

  4. Hi Irene & Ed,

    We are so glad Jennifer is bonding with guys so well! We are praying What a blessing from God! We are looking forward to meeting our new niece.

    Lots of Love and Prayers

    Love Sharon & Dan

  5. Irene and Ed! We are a childless late 40's early 50's too --and we've been on this journey a long time. Early on I was brought to tears with the sight of a new family forming. Recently I have been so discouraged with our wait the tears fall out of disappointment--but today they are of pure JOY for you! I don't think there are a lot of mom's and dad's becoming parents for the first time after waiting of over 30 years! It's a feeling no one can understand until you've BTDT! heart is so full of happiness for you! And you give me sooooo much HOPE!

    I am so very happy for you and that little Jennifer is precious and it's no surprise she is transistioning so easily--she can so feel your LOVE that has been growing for 30 years! Amazing story.

    Safe Travels and Smooth processing to you in China.

    Lisa A
    AWAA WCP Family
    Waiting for Izabella -- LID 7.17.07

  6. Mama & Baba ~ CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Praise God! He has SO many customized blessings for you right down to the last details! When I first opened your blog my reaction was to laugh out loud and cry all at once! We are enjoying all the pictures and progress! luv kacy

  7. Bonjur! I cried tears of joy for you, my friend. Congratulations and I can't wait to meet your daughter. :)-Heather*
